Rob Devens

Rob has been working in churches and in the ministry of Christian spiritual growth for the last 28 years. Rob became convinced that God wanted him to take the “know how” that he had gained from 28 years of ministry and use it to help churches have effective education ministries.


The right place to start is at the end.  I bet you thought I was going to say, “The right place to start is at the beginning.”  But in planning a project it is important to think about and imagine what the project will be like when it is finished.  In other words, what is the purpose of the project?  How will your project change the way things are.  What outcomes do you hope to achieve?  How will you and others feel about the project or event you are planning?

I work with a lot of churches.  One kind of project I’ve worked on frequently is planning an educational ministry.  It’s not enough to say, “The purpose of Continue reading »


Planning a project can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be.  Like many things in life, planning a project can be broken down into easy do-able steps.  But what are the steps?  And in what order should they be done?  That’s the trick!

The process that I’m going to show you will work for planning any kind of project: from designing a manufacturing process to writing a speech to planning an event.  You will use the same steps; the details will just be different. Continue reading »


I’m excited to start this new blog–although it will take awhile to get some content written.  I plan to address subjects that will interest church leaders, serious Christians, small group leaders, and adult teachers.  So be looking for my first real post before long!

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