![Blurred I by Charles Betz. See his blog Here.](http://www.growthclass.org/liketreeswalking/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/blurred-i.jpg)
The picture of that man as he stood before Jesus—touched by the healer, obviously changed, but disappointed and still functionally blind—is a powerful image. I don’t know how long the period of “half-sight” was for the blind man. Perhaps only a few moments, for Jesus did touch the man again and give him full sight. But what if it had been a long time? What if it had lasted the rest of his life? Would he have taken his place among the villagers, learned to use his new “sight,” forgetting his disappointment; forgetting that he couldn’t see clearly? Would he have told and re-told the story of his healing? The townspeople would want to hear his story—his encounter with Jesus. Certainly, something had happened. The blind man hadn’t been able to see at all before. Even if he could only “half see” his life would be easier, richer, and fuller after. Continue reading The Blind Man Continued